As part of the close collaboration between researchers from three universities and research institutions in India (Utkal University), the Netherlands (University of Groningen) and Germany (Frobenius Institute at Goethe University), a workshop on “Cereal Cultures in Odisha” was held on 10 February 2022 in Bhubaneswar, India.
Photo: Dr. Sanjaya Kumar SarangiIn the presence of the Vice-Chancellor of Utkal University, Prof. Dr. Sabita Acharya, the first results of the joint research on the changing significance and handling of rice and millet were presented. The event also aimed to bring together the participating scientists with government officials, NGOs and entrepreneurs to jointly discuss key issues related to the UN Year of Millet 2023. Plans were also discussed for the establishment of a shared archive for grain collected during the field research. A highlight was the ceremonial launch of the joint homepage, which will inform the public about the ongoing research projects:
More information about the workshop can be found here.