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Jennifer Markwirth

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Photo archive and legacy archive

Phone: +49-(0)69-79833058

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Jennifer Markwirth studied analog and digital photography from 1997 to 2000 during her education as a graphic design assistant at the Carl-Severing-Berufskolleg in Bielefeld. After 3 years in an advertising agency, she changed careers and underwent an education as a technical assistant for natural history museums and research institutes at the Senckenberg Research Institute from 2003 to 2005, which included working in the collections and laboratories. From 2006 to 2022, Jennifer Markwirth supervised botanical and archaeobotanical collections in various projects at the Goethe University and the Senckenberg Research Institute. During this time, she developed her own photography project, where she professionalized as a photographer. Jennifer Markwirth has put her enthusiasm for photography and for all kinds of collections at the service of the Frobenius Institute since May 2023, for which she is managing the legacy archive as well as the photographic archive.