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Roland Hardenberg eröffnet Konferenz "Resources and transformation in pre-modern societies“

Roland Hardenberg eröffnet mit seinem Vortrag "Different perspectives on resources: some methodological and theoretical considerations“ die internationale Konferenz "Resources and Transformation in Pre-modern Societies“ (19. – 21. November 2020) der Leibniz Postdoctoral School “Resources in Society”.

Vom 19. bis 21. November richteten Prof. Dr. Thomas Stöllner und sein Team der Archäologischen Wissenschaften an der Ruhr Universität Bochum in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Leibniz WissenschaftsCampus Bochum die digitale Konferenz „Resources in Transformation (ReForm)" aus. Den Eröffnungsvortrag hielt Roland Hardenberg, Direktor des Frobenius-Instituts, zum Thema "Different perspectives on resources: some methodological and theoretical considerations“

Über den Vortrag:
What new things can be said about resources from a humanities and social sciences perspective? There is widespread agreement that resources can no longer be reduced to raw materials alone and that the idea that the mere presence of certain raw materials can "automatically" trigger certain social processes is too simple. In the humanities and social sciences, resources are therefore usually studied in their material and immaterial dimensions and examined in many areas of human life: resources of work, of education, of religion, etc. According to a very widespread understanding, resources are the manifold means used to achieve multiple purposes.

Roland Hardenberg refers in his talk to recent research conducted at the Goethe University in Frankfurt which shows that this current understanding of resources was the result of conceptual changes which started roughly about last 200 years ago. He then refers to some of the new impulses given by the Collaborative Research Center (SFB 1070) at the University of Tuebingen to the understanding and use of the resource concept. For this purpose, the cultural definition of resources, terms such as resource complexes and resource structures as well as the concept of resource cultures are presented in order to discuss the following questions: Are resources "things" or "processes", are there only space- and time-bound or also universal resources, are resources linked by planned or random connections, do resources trigger dynamics or are resources the product of these dynamics, do resources open up possibilities for action or do they create dependencies?