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Ass. Prof. Dr. Egidia Souto


Associate professor of literature and africain civilisations at the University of Sorbonne Nouvelle. She is an associate researcher at CREPAL (Centre d'études des Pays lusophones-Sorbonne Nouvelle), CEAUP (Centre for African Studies) and Philosophy Institute, Oporto University; associate member of the Frobenius Institute Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and member of the scientific committee of the ANR/DFG 'Anthropos' programme.

For more than fifteen years, she has been a lecturer at the Musée du Quai Branly -Jacques Chirac and worked for over 7 years with the Musée Dapper. She has contributed to various participatory museology projects involving indigenous and non-indigenous researchers. She has presented a number of exhibitions on tangible and intangible heritage, as part of the "Constitution, documentation and enhancement of museum collections in collaboration/patiques of yesterday, today and tomorrow " with the Musée d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse et de Paris, COLAM (OPUS, Sorbonne Universités, PALOC IRD/MNHN). Her research focuses on the relationship between painting and poetry, prehistoric art, anthropology and art, ethnography, non-European art and European museum policy.

Together with Jean-Louis Georget and Richard Kuba, she co-organises the master's and doctoral seminar at EHESS. She is responsible for the Franco-German doctoral college in Portugal entitled "Representing the Other: museums, universities, ethnology".

She is currently co-curator with Jean-Louis Georget and Richard Kuba of the "Pre-histomania" exhibition on the Frobenius collection at the Musée de l'Homme in Paris (Nov-2023-May 2024).

Selected publications

 Egidia Souto, Jean-Louis Georget et Richard Kuba « África – Mitos de origem », Africana Studia, n° 35, Centro de Estudos Africanos, Université de Porto, 1er semestre 2022, éditorial « Les mythes des origines, points de rencontre entre philosophies européenne et africaine », Jean-Louis Georget/Richard Kuba/ Egidia Souto, p. 5 et 6.

 Egidia Souto, Burghard Baltrusch, Joana Baião Graça morais e José saramago: a arte de pensar o ano de 1993., (catalogue d’exposition ) I Cátedra Internacional José Saramago da Universidade de Vigo, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança / Laboratório de Artes na Montanha - Graça Morais, ISBN: 978-84-09-44757-2,

Egidia Souto, Brigitte Thierion, Alba Figueroa, Waraná/Guaraná Sabedoria e arte de um Povo Amazônico, catalogue de l’exposition, Toulouse, Éditions du Moulin, 2019.  

Egidia Souto, “Graça Morais et José de Guimarães, des humanistes du 20 ème siècle : l’art de penser le monde par le voyage”, pp. 405-416, in Michela Graziani, Lapo Casetti, Salomé Vuelta García (edited by), Nel segno di Magellano tra terra e cielo. Il viaggio nelle arti umanistiche e scientifiche di lingua portoghese e di altre culture europee in un’ottica interculturale, Firenza, Firenze University Press.