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Summer symposium 2024

On July 11 and 12, 2024, the Frobenius Institute will once again host its annual summer symposium.

For the sixth time, we are organizing the summer symposium, which offers advanced students and early career researchers (doctorate, habilitation) a public forum to present their ongoing research projects. In addition to lectures and poster and film presentations, public tours of the Frobenius Institute's collections will also take place. A workshop will provide information on publishing in the journal "Paideuma. Zeitschrift für kulturanthropologische Forschung", and scientists from the Frobenius Institute will provide insights into their research work.

To coincide with the symposium, a new exhibition will also open in the Frobenius Institute's Corridor Gallery on July 12, 2024. It will present impressive photographs by Souleymane Salomon Bombaye, which he took over an extended period of time in his home country of Chad.


programm with abstracts